We would like to invite you to join the Apris Global Group’s Conference and Presentations on NOVEMBER 3RD AND 4TH, 2021 FROM 8:00 AM TO 11:00 PM MDT OR 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM UTC. The online event is an interactive discussion that will introduce a variety of business and associations to each other. The event will be structured with moderated panel discussions about cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and other IT technologies.
« Participating is the General Director of European Union Cyber Security, Mr. Dan Cimpean
« Business to business break out rooms.
« New trends in IT opportunities in different countries
« Explore what technologies, innovations, research, and investments have to offer other associations.
« The presentations will also be future topics and technologies
Apris Global is assisting companies and associations to start the conversations that will discover alignments and opportunities to expand into other countries . We can develop relationships that would enhance diplomacy, grow our markets, and enhance business successes.
Technology, cyber security, enhanced technology for energy and power, agriculture, are some of the areas that Apris Global will include in future conferences for a Canadian and International collaboration.