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So far admin has created 61 blog entries.

GCCIR Award Recipient interns in the French Alps

GCCIR Award Recipient interns in the French Alps My name is Stefani Johnson and I am the 2019 recipient of the GCCIR award. I am a student in the combined Science/Education program at the University of Alberta, Campus Saint Jean. This summer I participated in an internship through the University of Alberta’s e3 French [...]

GCCIR Award Recipient interns in the French Alps2021-08-19T08:20:28+00:00

Interview with Prof. Vladimír Mařík from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics

Interview with Prof. Vladimír Mařík from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics Since 2018, Prof. Mařík is the Scientific Director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC), which is located at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. He was appointed Professor of Technical Cybernetics at CTU in 1990, and [...]

Interview with Prof. Vladimír Mařík from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics2021-08-19T08:06:34+00:00

Exploring the Canadian AI Ecosystem: Edmonton & Montreal

Exploring the Canadian AI Ecosystem: Edmonton & Montreal After organizing the “International Symposium on Applications of Artificial Intelligence” last fall, the GCCIR was approached by Edmonton Economic Development to provide some input about the AI landscape in Edmonton to RE•WORK (https://www.re-work.co/), a leading global events company specializing in AI and deep learning. Here is [...]

Exploring the Canadian AI Ecosystem: Edmonton & Montreal2021-08-18T13:38:02+00:00

Europe United? – The EU in times of BREXIT

Europe United? – The EU in times of BREXIT We are only one month away from BREXIT (the United Kingdom leaving the European Union). It will be the first and only major break within the EU since its formal creation in 1945, an undertaking aimed at  ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighboring [...]

Europe United? – The EU in times of BREXIT2021-08-18T13:36:18+00:00

Interview with Roderick Szarka

Interview with Roderick Szarka Rod is an industry professional with a successful track record in research and development, sales team management, business development and corporate marketing. His first 16 years of his career were in Research & Development developing pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical devices with ChemBioMed, Cytovax Technologies and Alberta Research Council respectively. Rod [...]

Interview with Roderick Szarka2021-08-18T13:34:33+00:00

2018 GCCIR Matchmaking Mission to Europe

2018 GCCIR Matchmaking Mission to Europe “Everyone was skeptical at first as the itinerary was tightly packed, but we managed to pull it off and had five very promising matchmaking symposia in Barcelona, Prague, Munich, Aachen and Cambridge.” – Katelyn Petersen, Executive Director of the GCCIR With the inception of the Alberta-Europe Technology Collaboration [...]

2018 GCCIR Matchmaking Mission to Europe2021-08-18T13:32:19+00:00

Germany is the most innovative

Germany is the most innovative No other country in the world is as innovative as Germany. This is the result of a new study completed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). As the Foundation states in their latest Global Competitiveness Report, Germany ranks first as the world’s most innovative economy with 87.5 points, outperforming [...]

Germany is the most innovative2021-08-18T13:27:03+00:00

Career Booster Germany

Career Booster Germany On November 5th the GCCIR had the opportunity, together with numerous other organizations, to promote Germany and the German language to Junior High and High School students in Edmonton. It was the second iteration of the Career Booster Germany event in Edmonton, organized by the Goethe-Institut Toronto and hosted by IISLE [...]

Career Booster Germany2021-08-18T13:25:34+00:00

Interview with Raša Karapandža

Interview with Raša Karapandža FinTech Raša Karapandža (born January 4, 1978) is a professor of finance at EBS Universität in Wiesbaden. He serves as an academic director of Master in Finance program and head of chair of finance. He received a PhD degree in economics and finance from Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. [...]

Interview with Raša Karapandža2021-08-18T13:20:05+00:00

International Symposium on Applications of Artificial Intelligence

International Symposium on Applications of Artificial Intelligence On September 27 and 28, the GCCIR hosted a two day symposium at the University of Alberta and invited international speakers, academic researchers, policy makers, company representatives and students to discuss the applications of Artificial Intelligence to a variety of different sectors and fields. The symposium was [...]

International Symposium on Applications of Artificial Intelligence2021-08-18T13:17:00+00:00
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